2014-12-19 14:43


worry: most people don't understand the medication safety of joy: Yofoto Ningbo China Universal


CNDSN12 month 19 days (China broadcasting network) "would you take medicine?" ask the question, many people will not to regard it as right. But the survey from the national food and drug supervision and Management Bureau shows, "many residents do not understand how safe and rational drug use, and even the existence of a serious misunderstanding".

"What to eat medicine?" this question let Yofoto company "food and drug safety, healthy life force" public welfare activities to answer you.

There are nine Chinese medication errors into science education is very important

Long term drinking sterculia lychnophora bubble wrong?!

Cough take cough medicine is good and wrong?!

A wound is first put a band aid absolutely wrong?!

Even if the above three often encounter daily medication problems, there are still people handed over all the wrong answer, not to mention other fatal medication errors.

According to the survey, there are nine into Chinese medication errors. About 2500000 people a year Chinese damaged by eating the wrong medicine health, the death of 200000 people. This figure is startling enough.

In order to popularization of health knowledge, to the masses, in December 12th, 124, Rong Jia she Qu Xu Ning Road, Jiangdong District of Ningbo City, sponsored by the Ningbo city market administration, tertiary China Health Industry Co. Ltd and Ningbo pharmaceutical volunteer service group co host of "food and drug safety," pharmaceutical care health life force, into the community.

"No?" "really?" the participation of the masses from the field out most interjections, enough to see, attending the event, the phenomenon of improper use of the masses is very common, and participate in activities, really wake up to the masses "cramming" knowledge of some drug discrimination ability and the medication safety. They are on this piece of attention.

Drug safety for the elderly, especially as the scene is most concerned about the topic. In this regard, deputy director of the Ningbo Market Supervision Bureau Chen Jianrong said the drug volunteers into the community activities for Ningbo's aging relatively serious community. Because the elderly is relatively large for medication errors, so I hope that through on-site consultation activities volunteer, providing a platform to understand the elderly medication safety, help the community old people safe medication.

Through face-to-face communication with experts, people understand that a lot of medication knowledge in life, also corrected many due to habit and medication errors, this is the greatest significance of this event.

Food safety government enterprise Volunteers Action

"Food and drug safety, healthy life force" pharmacy service into the community activity to start a ceremony, on the morning of December 12th nine began. To participate in the ceremony included vice chairman, Ningbo Market Supervision Bureau of the trade union of pharmaceutical service captain Wang Zhengli, Ningbo Market Supervision Bureau deputy inspector Chen Jianrong, Ningbo City pharmaceutical volunteer service brigade vice captain Li Fuqiang, sansei (China) Health Industry Co Ltd vice secretary of Party branch of Zhang Minjin, and pharmacy volunteers.

The ceremony, sansei (China) Zhang Minjin said that as a company based on the health industry enterprises, Yofoto company the full support and participation of pharmaceutical care in community activities, hoping to help the masses to solve drug safety problems in life. Pharmacy volunteer service brigade Li Fuqiang introduces, this second activity theme is for the popularization of the broad masses of the people on the range of drug identification ability and health knowledge, at the same time will start next year volunteer activities, help more people learn safe medication.

Reporters at the scene found in the activity, and about medication questions related to the masses of experts not only put forward one one enthusiastic answers, also have the true and false identification doubts drug for the masses, some families to carry out recycling expired drugs. Ningbo City pharmacy volunteer service brigade provides instruments, help the masses measured blood pressure and blood sugar, but also brought food and drug safety manual distribution.

In order to encourage more people to participate in the "food and drug safety, healthy life force" action, sansei (China) also carefully prepared small gifts, as long as the correct drug knowledge questions, you can get a prize. This entertaining way, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in site.

Respect and share a healthy life to create life

Sansei (China) has been the popular forms, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, and guide everyone concerned about their own health. The joint pharmacy volunteer service brigade into the community, through donations, launch activities, let more people know how to use the medicine health.

In addition, in just the past enterprise ten anniversary celebration, sansei (China) also released next year will be held in "healthy life force" Yofoto Cup National square dance fashion contest news, look through the square dance contest the masses very broadly based activities, and further guide the people to develop a positive way of life.

Yofoto company chairman Huang Jinbao said, hope to constantly carry out more such "down to earth" activities, arouse more attention to health problems, also hope to be able to close to help people build up health cognitive science accurate and correct health concept. ▲

(original title: worry: most people don't understand the medication safety of joy: Yofoto Ningbo China Universal)

Editor: Dream culvert