2014-08-02 16:57


Zhou Xiaozhen: The 75th Chief dealer of Marykay (China) birth


Direct selling news August 2th (Marykay) On June 9th,at the administrative center of Marykay Shanghai,China,welcomes Zhou Xiaozhen who is the 75th chief authorized dealer representative of Marykay China and her family,also including the excellent authorized dealer representatives of new chief regions.They take over pink flowers,pour into victorious champagne and honourablely accept the applause and blessing from high-ranking company administers and all staffs.

Zhao Xiaozhen,from Beijing,has engaged in traditional business over 15 years before he met Marykay,and got ties to this pink world because of one book called Marykay on people’s management. Thanks for this company which is tailor-made for women,to enrich women’s life as the mission with the ideas of Go-Give spirit,golden rule,faith first,family second and career third,to realize each woman’s dream and fly higher.

On the exciting signing ceremony,company management of Marykay,senior chief Wang Dongmei and dealers of heritage area have witnessed the birth of new chief and new chief area.On the resolution board which President Paul has proposed to create value for interested party and lead dealers to sign their names respectively;on the heart-warming and candle-to-heart ceremony,Chief Zhou Xiaozhen has read the expectation to everyone,hope in near future,pink Marykay career will be inherited ceaselessly as their regional name.

Thanks for Lady Mary kay Ash providing a opportunity to make our dreams fly high,we believe that if every woman keep her dream,stick her commitment,they will not only become the special one to Marykay,but also the beatific one to Marykay.