2015-01-22 14:09


Longrich in 2015 spring thanked the meeting the new year will be wonderful


CNDSN1 month 22 days (Longrich) as the new year begins, let us also start anew! In January 21st, the 2015 new year thanks Longliqi and dinner at the grand opening of the Suzhou headquarters, more than 1000 dealers from the market first-line participated in the spring will return! The site has a warm atmosphere of harmony, applause, filled with the warmth of have the Spring Festival atmosphere, every guests face are filled with a bright smile.

The meeting first published by customized marketing global president Mr. Zhao Jianhua New Year message, Zhao thanks to the front row seat leaders, thanks for coming all the way partners, thanks to adhere to in the market first working families, also thanked all the logistics team, thank them around the clock to work hard and take work. 2015 lung nilfisk brilliant: in March, Hainan Boao Asia Hotel Forum -- Longrich star star mobile phone conference; in April, Suzhou -- 2015 new year will start; in May, Beijing Diaoyutai State Guest House -- 2015 extreme USA swim farewell; in June, 2015 lung nilfisk USA journey of exploration; July, Suzhou -- the 2015 summer energy peak event; in September, Shanghai -- 2015 the island of Taiwan for the farewell party; in October, 2015 lung nilfisk advance cultural tour of Taiwan; December, Suzhou -- 2015 and 2016 strategy Longliqi global summit conference.

Customized marketing China area president Mr. He Jian summed up the long nilfisk advance custom marketing in 2014 made brilliant achievements, and make a detailed explanation on the development plan of China 2015, stressed the need to regulate the healthy development of the market, in 2015 the development theme through the whole service. This year, the long nilfisk advance into the mobile Internet era, it will be a new leap forward. In 2015, we will actively adapt to the new normal, closely around the system reform. Advance despite difficulties, shoe go steady. Long force Warren will be stepping stone stay in India, grab iron mark momentum do, from start to finish, good to do good, we will continue to be a firm belief, leisurely, with "two hundred years of self-confidence in life, when the water hammer in" style of doing things, and constantly go beyond the!

President Xu take you into the "how to create a healthy and beautiful way of life", he separately from the "health management, the detox camp, reproductive beauty, beauty skin care, health pot feast" 5 extension model for the interpretation of.

Lung nilfisk dealer representatives joined Longliqi released their own changes before and after the. They let us feel the whole family together in joy and happiness, Xu Dong for their highly is unique to their infinite glory. And they show the cause of outstanding leaders for their brilliant wisdom and mind share.

Chairman Xu Zhiwei finally made a concluding speech. He pointed out that twenty-first Century is a health advocate beautiful era. Each year the world's focus on cosmetics, health care products, women's health products market scale has trillions of dollars.

Its development of 29 years, is committed to "provide a healthy and beautiful way of life" for the mission of global family, hold high the "wealth comes from the thought" banner, with the thought of "rich" and "industry serve the country" for the purpose, to "promote the growth of social wealth" as the goal, focus on "wealth and opportunity", "wealth and thought", "wealth and change", "wealth and responsibility" four major principles, and strive for the realization of "the Chinese dream, dream, dream of health hundred years".

The late 18:00, the long-awaited gluttonous feast officially began, the dealers be jubilant, toast, in an atmosphere of joy and harmony and enjoying Food bring pleasure and satisfaction.

(original title: Longrich in 2015 spring thanked the meeting the new year will be wonderful)

Editor: Blue