2015-01-23 14:24


Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Zhang Mao stressed:Let consumers more power


CNDSN January 23rd news (Chinese consumers reported that Dong Jun Tan Moxiao) with China's economic development has entered a new norm, social consumer facing what new features? The new format and new marketing mode has spawned what new consumption patterns? In the face of new changes in the Internet economy and economic globalization to promote consumption, face what new changes, new challenges consumer rights?

In January 20th, the State Administration for Industry and commerce secretary, executive vice president of the Chinese Consumer Association Zhang Mao accepts a reporter to interview, the system elaborated the important meaning of consumer rights to promote the stable and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability, as well as new thought disappear assist the organization is how to better safeguard the interests of consumers.

Let the people willing to spend, dare to consumption

As people income level and consumption level enhancement, our country economy development mode from the past is too dependent on exports and investment to pull, to rely more on domestic demand especially consumption demand change. In the field of consumption, fake and shoddy, false propaganda, contract fraud, against the interests of consumers there are still some cases. "People every day in the consumption of food and clothing, to live with row. There is a consumer, there are contradictions and disputes may, consumer disputes may seem trivial, but not handled properly will damage the interests of the masses." Zhang Mao said: "I hope people willing to spend, dare to consumption, we must create a safe consumption environment, the consumer rights protection, timely resolution of disputes, to resolve contradictions."

In Zhang Mao's view, this is not only for the protection of consumers' individual interests, but also the maintenance of the social order, prevent and eliminate the factors of social instability. He said, consumer rights protection is related to the quality of life of consumers and happiness index, is the release of the consumption potential, play an important guarantee of consumption pulling effect on economic growth. The satisfactory consumer, will have a rapid development of the consumption economy.

Today, consumers on the quality of life and consumption environment of increasingly high demand, some social contradictions have extended from the traditional areas of consumption to the new consumption areas. In recent years, online shopping, "double eleven" have become the hot spot of consumption and rights. "Online shopping complaints in the past two years increased year by year, false discount to mislead consumers, false propaganda, goods or services does not comply with the contract and other issues have become prominent issues of online shopping." Zhang Mao said that in the network market supervision, industry and commerce authorities will be severely dealt with using the Internet in the fake and shoddy goods, pyramid selling, false advertising and other illegal acts, and investigate the illegal subject website liability according to law.

The new changes in the consumer rights endowed the new mission

The structure of consumption, consumer groups and geographical distribution of continuous adjustment, technical progress is bringing new formats, new ways of doing business and new consumption patterns. These new changes in consumption field, brings new changes in the field of rights. As consumers "Maiden", disappear assist the organization is how to deal with these new changes? "New" consumer protection law "has been clear about the association of consumers' social organizations' 'public welfare nature and perform duties' requirements, provide a legal guarantee for the association to carry out the work, also asked the association pays more attention to provide convenient and equal services, comprehensive protection of consumer interests, pay more attention to the timely and effective reflection of consumers the demands of the new concept of consumption, advocate." Zhang Mao said.

Zhang Mao emphasizes, consumer organizations should earnestly fulfill the new "wave law" gives the public responsibility, ability to further strengthen the comprehensive service, give full play to the government departments, industry organizations, research institutions, experts and scholars, the news media and the role of other rights organization, take the initiative to build consumer rights social platform, and strive to build enterprise self-discipline, consumer participation, social supervision, government supervision of consumer rights society new co governance mechanism.

Zhang Mao said, at present the consumer association in the gap still exists to provide comprehensive and effective protection for the vast number of consumers, this is the future focus of the work of great efforts to strengthen the. Such as, strengthening the supervision of goods and services, exposing the criticism of wrongdoing, and urge enterprises to law-abiding business, promote consumption environment is improved; the comprehensive use of legal responsibility, and actively explore ways of public interest litigation, legal aid, increase consumer protection rights.

"Consumer Association to work on better service for the consumer, the focus of work will be engaged in mediation to the more education beforehand, in the matter of supervision conversion, handle consumer disputes, for consumers to exclude the difficulty and anxiety." He said.

Zhang Mao also proposed, disappear assist the organization to play its role, give full play to the endorsement advice function in participation in legislation, consumption policy, price hearing and other work; strengthen the study analysis the consumption trend, complaint information, for the implementation of supervision, to solve the difficulty of credit rights, preventing and dissolving the risks and provide powerful reference; put on the protection of consumers the rights and interests of the laws and regulations, policies and measures for the timely transmission of the vast number of consumers, so that consumers can reflect the contradictions to resolve problems, consumer confidence, rights and interests, protection.

Establish a "customer first" philosophy

"Consumer Association is the service of the vast number of consumers' social organization, to establish a consumer oriented 'concept." Zhang Mao said, the future of consumer associations to guide, in the consumer education dispute mediation, consumer rights activist network coverage and data utilization etc more have a definite object in view.

To strengthen consumer education guidance, to achieve the consumer rights protection sooner. Both for consumers, improve the ability of consumers to guard against the risk of consumption, but also for operators, operators to improve the integrity of law-abiding consciousness; pay more attention to environmental protection, energy saving, to comply with the requirements of low-carbon goods and services comparison test of the working linkage.

Mediation in consumer disputes, the promotion of complaints reconciliation, and promote convenient rights, let more consumer dispute settlement effectively between enterprises and consumers; and Research on major complaints against the interests of consumers, the typical case, support for consumers to file a lawsuit according to law; accelerate the association of lawyers volunteer team construction, consumer multi-level, personalized gradually to meet the needs of safeguarding rights.

According to Zhang Mao introduction, the next step will be to improve the national CaseTrust organization integrated service network, especially to strengthen and consolidate the central and western regions, rural areas of the rights of network coverage. Improvement of the Internet, Short Message, mobile Internet communication acceptance function, accelerate the 12315 national consumer rights protection in Internet platform construction.

Zhang Mao also said, to analysis by strengthening consumer rights data, improve the service level of decision making. Analysis and sampling the consumer market conditions strengthen consumer demand, the quality of the goods, research consumer rights data changes with the national macroeconomic situation, the market order status, consumption situation of rights relationship, and gradually improve the data analysis model and 12315 consumer rights protection index system, study the establishment of key areas, key indicators for monitoring, risk assessment and early warning, emergency prevention disposal system. *

(original title: Director of the State Administration for Industry and commerce, executive vice president Zhang Mao on Chinese Consumer Association consumer rights)

Editor: Che Wan Wan