2015-01-19 14:49


in 2015 15 anniversary of Indonesia Tiens business start meeting


CNDSN1 month 19 days (Tiens) in January 17, 2015, was invited to attend the 15 anniversary of Indonesia in 2015 Tiens business startup conference chairman Li Jinyuan day and night, not the Gu boat car Laughton, arrived in Bandung Hotel Bandung Conference immediately after attending leaders issued a development strategy for the Tiens Tiens, Indonesia business elite partners, ignited the infinite passion of 2015 Indonesia and Asia Pacific market and hope.

Chairman Li Jinyuan came to power, to explain the Tiens dream for Indonesia three venture partners, stressed the need to do their own choice, perseverance, courage, success is certain! We must have the courage to innovate, dare to feeling stone to cross the sea, excellent product quality, word-of-mouth, network with stores, supporting each other with net, shop, Tiens creates a spanning 100 countries business platform, let more and more people have success here, harvest happiness!

Shared strategic planning and development prospect of Tiens international e-commerce project chairman Li Jinyuan is also to the more than 1000 business elite, and its great influence on the development of the cause of the cause of Tiens and third take-off, chairman of the strategic guidelines sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height keep Indonesia business partner excited, won warm applause from the prolonged.

Under the leadership of chairman Li Jinyuan, Tiens Indonesia 15 years encourage development, lead the countless Tiens people change life, realize the dream. In January 18th, "because of you, gratitude, insist, Tiens Indonesia's 15 anniversary and the successful business to start the General Assembly" will be the theme of the meeting was held in Bandung, Sudirman, and start the Indonesian Carnival series of celebration activities, about 5000 business partners will witness this moment of glory.

(original title: in 2015 15 anniversary of Indonesia Tiens business start meeting)

Editor: small Shen