2016-01-15 15:44


The world 1 billion 130 thousand big scam money trap MLM trap


[straight news network reported, Beijing, January 15,] (webmaster weekly) less than two years time, crazy money 10 million yuan, develop marketing staff of 13 million people, spread over 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities... Recently, the guise of "click on the ads will be able to make money, to the people of weaving" overnight "beautiful myth of Hong Kong World International Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the" world ") collapsed. This amount and the number of people involved in the history of the most illegal network marketing case was cracked, causing many questions and thinking.
The "world" trick how high? These people how deep MLM trap?
"We don't know what to do. The village like me to join the 'world through loan' people have a lot of people, we have not dare to go home." Light town, Danzhou City, Hainan Province, Wang Wuning, in order to join the world pass, he not only took out their own 20 thousand yuan of all savings, but also by the 50 thousand yuan loan.
"The world through" really can make a lot of money? According to the public security organs, on the surface, the "world" is through the sale of mobile phone software to develop the sales network, in essence, the "world" the most attractive or through the development of "offline" receive a hefty bonus rebate. The company provides, in order to participants I directly develop and indirect development of the number of offline based, calculated and paid 30% to 8% discount.
And in this way to build out is a pyramid marketing network, can be profitable only in the spire of a small number of organizers and senior agents.
However, this is a riches myth, but the development of more than 13 of the marketing team.
In the long-term follow-up survey reporters learned that "government cooperation" and "by the media" and "public goods" and "world" since January 2007 in Hong Kong was established after the company quickly hit a name of three gold standard ".
In cooperation with the government, in February this year, the "world" and Changchun City Shuangyang District signed a letter of intent 130 million yuan investment project. In March 18th of the same year, Danzhou, Hainan Province, held a signing ceremony for the project investment intentions. The world through the name of cooperation with the government under the guise of a large number of people. In the media publicity, in February 13th this year, the world through cooperation with a television station in Hainan signing ceremony. In addition, there are a number of domestic newspapers, television stations, radio stations published in the world through advertising, or its activities as a news report.
At the same time, the "world" is also keen to participate in various charity activities, for claiming credit. July 2008 Asia Pacific business leaders in Boao forum, the world through to the 5 / 12 earthquake hit 2 million yuan in Jiangyou high school. 3
(original title: World 1 billion 130 thousand big scam money trap MLM trap)
Editor: Xiao Shen
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