2016-01-11 15:27


Han beam into the list of false propaganda ten typical cases of advertising


Direct reporting network Beijing November 11th (East) city industry and Commerce Bureau recently issued a false illegal advertising notice, the exposure of ten typical cases, many of them new advertising law prohibited content. Han beam involving false propaganda, was fined 1 million 100 thousand yuan.
In the ten typical cases, Shanghai Xiteng Culture Communication Co., Ltd. the student stationery commercial advertising case, city industry and commerce, market supervision departments investigate and deal with the first violation of "advertising law" provisions of Article 39 in elementary school to carry out commercial advertising cases. And Shanghai Han beam Cosmetics Co., Ltd. put on television advertising to promote their cosmetics, sun whitening, advertising claims (using its products), the more the sun, the more the more the sun yue". By medical experts confirmed that the more the sun, the more the sun, the propaganda violation of the current scientific knowledge has been mastered, the parties also admit that the product can not make the skin more white. Advertising constitutes a false propaganda, the industry and Commerce Department in accordance with the law a fine of 1 million 100 thousand yuan.
Nakamoto Chi synthetic (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd. sales Wooden hands on television advertising, paragraph 3 of ordinary wood hand on claims for mahogany, and said in a string containing material incense, advertisements contain "China authority issued". The parties constitute the publication of false advertising, by the industrial and Commercial Department of a fine of $.
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