2015-05-18 15:12


Small building transmission network QQ group of iron steel.


Ronaldinho [straight news network may 18 news (Chinese consumers reported April 21 in the morning in Dalian City Jinzhou District, market supervision and Management Bureau run pass a computer before staff to reporters introduced a has 12 departments, 42 communities, 84 Villages in part-time play staff member and 1570 people Chuan volunteers always online play special QQ group function and utility, "is such a small QQ group in Jinzhou new area of 1042 square kilometers of land, forming a always delivered, always issued a directive, always linkage attack invisible net, let the body in Dalian, Jinzhou District of MLM no place to hide, see light die. Is said, QQ group flicker, a "community masses report, friendship community on the 25th floor 1 floor 202 rental possession of more than 30 marketing personnel..." The message appears in the status bar. After 15 minutes, an interagency transmission law enforcement personnel rushed to the scene destroyed the MLM dens. The reporter understands, 2012, Dalian Jinzhou district is relying on the Internet's fast, efficient communication function, establish comprehensive management office, industry and commerce, public security, comprehensive law enforcement etc. 12 departments linkage transmission mechanism, and in 42 communities, 84 Villages to carry out the transmission work to create a community, a total ban illegal pyramid selling organization 592, 7572 severance marketing personnel to rescue cheated staff more than 200 people, "pull the head MLM was hit net, pyramid selling crime rate at a record low.

To improve the transmission efficiency of the network linkage

Recently, escape from MLM dens of Anhui Yue saw a post near the gate of the community of telephone hotlines, he cited reported more than 20 young people gathered to MLM in nearby in a rented room. Community immediately this clue reached District transmission work online, immediately hit Chuan ban, public security, civil affairs departments to respond, the same day the dens were destroyed. In the case of the investigation and quickly reflected in the transmission network.

In charge of the day-to-day management of the net pass play in Dalian Jinzhou district market administration office of fair trading responsible person told the reporter: "in the past, we have received a clue, to coordinate the various departments, spend a lot of time, now on the Internet. In this work, the region of the community (Village) propagandists, police, civil affairs, the streets, the judicial transmission involved departments are on the Internet and the progress of each case, exchange, circulation of papers, on the Internet, fast and practical. At the same time, through the Internet effectively integrates the resources of the region and the region to implement play a game of chess, both public security, industry and commerce, community and other units, all involved in the work pass play are network "twisted into a rope", truly realize the orderly, efficient, and when the linkage mechanism. Hongqi community transmission engineer Wang told reporters, before mentioning the fight MLM I'll have a headache, because no start. Now, with the QQ group, a upload, first time rapid response, playing transmission efficiency is improved by, our momentum and confidence also more satisfied.

Housing owners into play "intelligence"

In the transmission work, the staff found that, the floating population and rental is the source of "cancer" pyramid breeding. Therefore, Jinzhou District, starting from April 2011, community organizations actively cooperate with the public security organs to strengthen the management of floating population and rental housing: hand by enabling the floating population and rental housing integrated management information system to achieve the to register, people walk off, monitor the whole process of dynamic management model; on the other hand, through to the housing sector data investigation, residential property registration, community door-to-door visits, a comprehensive grasp of the area rental housing situation, and take the initiative to rental housing owners to exchange ideas and to help them a profound understanding of marketing, a serious risk damage, enforce the consciousness of citizen's social responsibility and obligation.

After several years of unremitting efforts, the region registered 20303 family rental housing owners have become transmission network terminal "informant", effectively squeezing the breeding space for the illegal pyramid scheme. At the same time, Jinzhou district will region 120 business area of over 100 square meters, can accommodate 30 people gathered in the hotel, cinema, club information all through the QQ group registration, and asked the operators of these businesses for suspicious signs of the access time to the local customs department or the community play pass the staff reflected received reflect the situation of the play staff will be in the first time will upload information to the QQ group, greatly improving the efficiency to make investigation, and effective marketing activities eliminate in the bud.

From the "cut chives" to "clear the stronghold"

That MLM is hard to beat, the difficulty in the MLM like cut chives, did not go to the root; the coordination of various departments is difficult, slow. Therefore, Jinzhou District, in the fight against pyramid schemes work, in the establishment of "responsible government to take the lead, the departments of law enforcement coordination with the transmission mechanism at the same time, using thinking of the Internet and Internet mode power transmission, the region's work pass play has a multiplier effect, the realization of the from the cut chives to clear the stronghold of breakthrough.

Reporters look at the Jinzhou new district blow MLM special rectification action plan ", found the two pages in the" plan "not Mandarin cliches, clear to clear the various departments of the division of labor, to implement measures. Such as in the community with a pass play propagandists; 50 households develop a Chuan volunteers; are able to accommodate more than 30 hotels place held activities to to the local community for the record; each school each year must be carried out 4 times the transmission promotion and refusal to MLM signature and other activities. In the community, create no MLM community activities the assessment standard "," assessment approach "and a number of normative documents, detailed division of labor, clear responsible departments, thus forming a built" led by the government, departmental interaction, public participation, public opinion to promote "efficient transmission Bureau case and" strike, protect, control and management "four in one long-term supervision mechanism, to ensure that each jurisdiction without serious MLM cases occurred. Since this year, Jinzhou district is through grassroots organizations and institutions, to establish marketing personnel information database "". Before the end of the year, achieve detailed grasp of marketing personnel and marketing organization and with relevant departments to realize the sharing of information and makes MLM in Jinzhou district no foothold. 3

(original title: small transmission network build QQ group iron steel fist)

Editor: Wan Wan