2021-11-24 15:20


14 days wake-up period changed to 1 day. Berry coffee was fined 300000 yuan for false publicity


[Beijing Direct News Network November 24th] (Beijing Business Daily)On November 23, the reporter of Beijing business daily learned from tianyancha app that the affiliated company of berry coffee Jixiang Berry (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "berry coffee") was fined 300000 yuan by Shanghai Jing'an District market supervision and Administration Bureau for false publicity and ordered to stop the illegal act.

According to the decision on administrative punishment, berry coffee is mainly engaged in coffee retail business. Since May 2021, berry coffee began to sell belray ear hanging coffee combination (filter hanging type). On the outer packaging box of the product, there is the content of "5S standard of Berry's preferred coffee: strictly control the bean growing period and 14 days of bean growing". The industry meaning of the above content is that there is a 14 day waking period after coffee beans are roasted, and the beans naturally emit carbon dioxide. In fact, according to the production process of the above products, coffee beans are temporarily stored for 24 hours after baking and then ground and crushed.