2020-05-07 15:05


Ouyang article: direct selling "online" is the focus of transformation and upgrading


[Beijing Direct News Network May 7th] (Ouyang article)Recently, I received a number of calls from leaders of direct selling enterprises, professional media reporters and heads of regulatory departments, asking the same topic: how does China's direct selling industry develop under the epidemic? I think that the direct selling industry under the epidemic is in urgent need of transformation and upgrading, and "online" is a very important focus.

One disaster after another was the recent novel coronavirus pneumonia industry. As far as I know, in the first quarter, the performance of the direct selling industry fell sharply, and many direct selling enterprises appeared helpless. However, we also found that some excellent direct selling enterprises tried "online" mode vigorously in front of the epidemic, for example, some direct selling enterprises started live broadcasting, some direct selling enterprises and social e-commerce grafted, and received better results. Therefore, the development of direct marketing under the epidemic situation should not be helpless, nor be unproductive. As long as we strive for development in the "online" mode, it will become the focus of the transformation and upgrading of the direct selling industry in the future and the driving point of building the future development advantages. Direct selling enterprises must understand the development trend.

Direct selling was originally a face-to-face way of selling products. After the outbreak of the epidemic, this way of sales has encountered severe challenges. We have learned that, because most of the original direct sales staff are over 40 years old, and the proportion of the post-80s, especially the post-90s young people in the direct sales staff is not high, so the "online" model has some inherent deficiencies for some direct sales enterprises. In this regard, I believe that direct selling enterprises must scientifically study and judge the general trend of economy and society, firmly grasp the great opportunity of industrial transformation, accelerate the "online" development, and strive to launch the new generation of Internet direct selling brands. Therefore, direct selling enterprises should not stick to face-to-face sales, but strengthen the "online" training of direct selling personnel, so that they can basically master the basic technology of "online", so that direct selling enterprises become an important force of "online new economy".

Direct selling enterprises should be fully aware that at present, the wave of industrial change caused by the Internet is advancing in depth, and the epidemic prevention and control has accelerated the development process of "online" in various industries. In my opinion, "online" is actually a new reconstruction of deep integration of production and service consumption, online and offline application scenarios, and traditional industries and emerging industries. It is not only a model innovation of production and consumption, but also a profound change of production relations and lifestyle. It is not only an innovation of industry and field expansion, but also a revolutionary improvement of production capacity and production efficiency. Only when we understand this, can we consciously find ways to develop "online" direct selling, make direct selling enterprises, direct selling personnel and direct selling products "bloom" online and "result" offline, get out of the predicament brought by the epidemic situation to the direct selling industry, and promote the further healthy development of the direct selling industry.

To develop "online" economy, direct selling enterprises have certain advantages. For example, each direct selling enterprise has a huge team of direct selling personnel, which is the basis of human resources for the development of "online". Therefore, the direct selling enterprises should seize the opportunity, take the lead and create a new miracle of Internet development in the new era. On the one hand, we should gather high-end talents, aim at the forefront of the world, accelerate the attraction and training of industry leaders, and lay a solid foundation for innovation and development. On the one hand, we should strengthen brand building, make brand planning, build our own brand, and show influence and competitiveness in the national and global direct marketing market with first-class products and services. Direct selling enterprises should give full play to their own advantages, conform to the development trend of "online", continuously improve service efficiency, enhance user experience, and better realize the counter trend. In this way, direct selling enterprises can "look for the moon" online and "catch turtles" offline, and it will be soon to realize the new development of direct selling industry in China.