2020-11-12 16:30


Zheng Qunyi: do a good job in health in a more open China


[Beijing Direct News Network November 12th] (Herbalife)The year 2020 is a very special year. The unprecedented epidemic situation will ravage the whole world, the economy and trade will be hindered, and globalization will face challenges. I believe you, like me, have experienced anxiety and confusion in the past period of time. However, what is gratifying is that China has achieved remarkable results in coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. The combination of strong prevention and control measures and various supporting policies has made economic and social life quickly get rid of the impact of the epidemic and gradually return to the right track!

Since the opening of the third ICIF, it has attracted continuous attention. At such a special time this year, holding such a grand event has made me deeply feel the gold content of China's commitment to "unswervingly expand opening up". I firmly believe that China's door will open wider and deeper.

Great health is a pillar industry related to the national economy and people's livelihood, which has been supported by many favorable policies in recent years. According to the development plan of relevant national ministries and commissions, the market size of China's large health industry is expected to exceed 16 trillion yuan by 2030, which makes our colleagues in the health industry excited.

However, where are the specific opportunities? What kind of practical actions should we take to seize them? What should our colleagues in the health industry do to support the country to do a good job in health? These three issues have been discussed and considered by my team.

This year's epidemic has undoubtedly pushed people's attention to health to a new height. I believe that in China, a fully activated health demand market for 1.4 billion people is the great river and the sea, which will breed many brands that are brave in exploration and innovation, and Herbalife is undoubtedly committed to becoming one of them. However, on the other hand, due to the late start, compared with the international advanced scientific research and innovation level, mature product and quality management system, and complete industrial development ecology, the overall innovation and R & D motivation of domestic large health industry is still insufficient, and the resources in all links of the industrial chain are relatively scattered, and there is no efficient collaborative development.

Facing such a market with both opportunities and challenges, what should enterprises do? I would like to share Herbalife's practice with you. In fact, since entering the Chinese market, Herbalife has been working hard to build its own production and R & D capabilities. Herbalife has five production bases worldwide, three in China - such a high proportion is very rare among foreign-funded enterprises.

Herbalife's world renowned milk shake

Why do we need to strengthen our local capabilities in this way? The reason is simple: China is becoming more and more open, from the stage of the whole economy to the field of nutrition, Chinese people constantly put forward higher demands in the pursuit of a better life, and the importance of the Chinese market is incomparable. I believe you and I can feel it.

Because of this, we have invested in three production bases in Suzhou, Changsha and Nanjing. These three bases have adopted very high standards for construction, with internationally unified production and testing equipment. They are not only manufacturing bases, but also R & D bases and raw material bases. On the one hand, they serve the Chinese market. About 95% of the products we sell in China come from local production bases; on the other hand, they are based in China and serve the world. Relying on Changsha raw material production base, China provides 365 kinds of plant raw materials and extracts for the global market; Our global testing center (COE) in Changsha is responsible for monitoring the product quality in Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, central and South America. As an important fulcrum of Herbalife's global quality control system, we ensure that all products in the global market have consistent high standards. These three bases, which link China and the world, are an integral part of Herbalife's global supply chain.

Herbalife's global testing center (COE) in Changsha

I am a R & D background. In recent years, my biggest feeling is: in the face of broad opportunities, if we want to achieve sustainable development in the Chinese market, we should not only expand the market scale, but also integrate innovation and R & D, production and quality management with the international advanced level and closely connect with the world.