2017-04-10 16:03


Midrib health industry group won the China women and children charity award"


[news] April 10th reporting network in Beijing (China Economic Net) in April 8th, the National Women's Federation, women's development fund China, Chinese children's foundation held a "Chinese women children's Charity Award (2015-2016) in recognition of the general assembly. China women and children's Charity Award (2015-2016) by the women's Federation, the integration of the "Chinese women's Charity Award" and "China children's charity award". The award is given every two years, aims to promote the promotion of the development of Chinese women and children's charity charity units and individuals.
Midrib health industry group won the China Women's children's Charity Award (2015-2016) outstanding contribution award by virtue of the "midrib youth security guard action" project". This award was awarded 24, full of gold.
Midrib youth security guard action is to protect the safety of young people grow public projects. Project plan for a period of three years, a total investment of $15 million. Through the construction of "safe experience classroom", training teachers to carry out safety education, safety management training, experiential learning organization safety knowledge, organizing large-scale outdoor security self-care carnival, to carry out security guard volunteers into the campus and build fire and other forms of help to establish and improve the campus safety management system and safety education system, to help teachers and students to study the ability of emergency safety knowledge, safe consciousness, strengthen the risk response. By the end of December 2016, "teenage midrib security guard action" project has been built between the 38 pulse safety experience classroom, located in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Beijing, Guangdong and other 13 provinces and 22 cities to benefit children totaled 200 thousand people.
With the "I love my women's health project" project, the 2015-2016 foundation won the 2015-2016 China women and children's charity award".
"I love my women's health project" was officially launched on May 25, 2016 at the Great Hall of the people. The project covers the spread of breast disease knowledge, screening, rescue and other content. Public Welfare Foundation midrib "women's health research center jointly Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, launched a nationwide public speaking tour and the organization of experts, scholars of national level research, guidance to promote the work of women's health; and by the United States and great health cooperation, the recipients were detected professional breast disease screening, help the majority of women early detection and early treatment, the project start to now, has issued 8000 special examination of breast disease; 2 million donation to the fund Chinese women development, the establishment of" midrib female health care fund, relief breast cancer case found on screening, help patients return to normal life, there is relief activities for everything in good order and well arranged in.
Midrib foundation adhering to "create a vein of technology One principle runs through it all. and sharing" corporate culture and "one old one small development" and "three-in-one" development strategy, the vulnerable elderly, children in poverty and social development in three areas as the focus on helping to have the opportunity to enjoy the fair education, pension, health and safety and social care and other rights, the quality of life is committed to the ascension of the whole, inherit and carry forward the concept of charity and public welfare midrib, unified strategy, strategic layout and brand effect, improve efficiency.
In addition to these two activities, midrib charity foundation also including the successful operation "Chaoyang plan of adolescent health guard action" and "fund" and "national filial piety care project and emergency relief, midrib Federation of volunteers have considerable social influence brand public projects, to promote the public welfare China progress to make contributions.
The public's footsteps along and from all walks of life are constantly trying, for people living happiness, social harmony and unity, in order to achieve our China dream, I hope more people can give a little love, devotion to public welfare undertakings, a building for public welfare undertakings for the motherland.