2017-02-06 16:31


Friends work unexpectedly deceived MLM dens was under house arrest"


[news] February 6th reported net sales (Hubei daily) introduced by friends to work in Xiangyang, unexpectedly cheated to the MLM dens was under house arrest". To escape the clutches, two people in the notes to write a distress message thrown downstairs, picked up the alarm after being rescued by the masses. Yesterday, reporters from Xiangyang City Xiangzhou District Court was informed that the organization of marketing activities, Zhao Yang Fan and was sentenced to 3 years.
In June 2, 2016 3 pm, Ms. Zhang lived in Xiangzhou District Hospital to see a family of floating in the sky a note in his pocket, and picked it up. The 4 day, she took out the money ready for use, found "pyramid, alarm, rescue me, the top write", call the police. In the afternoon, the police found the MLM dens in the building, marketing agents arrested Zhao, Yang Fan, etc., will be trapped victims of Shen, Zengmou rescue.
It is reported that, after May 2016, Shen and Zengmou by users have been home from Hunan to cheat the MLM dens, to prevent them from leaving, MLM organization away their identity cards, mobile phone and other items, and verbal intimidation, beatings. "Director Zhao arranged two marketing staff personal care of two people, and give them a MLM business, every night also arrange night turns, prevent them Dutch act or escape.
Xiangzhou District Court after hearing that Zhao, Yang Fan, illegal restriction of personal freedom of others, and have beaten the plot, have violated the criminal law, constitute the crime of illegal detention, then made the above decision.