2017-07-07 15:08


Spend five thousand can buy 50 thousand primitive stock, "cloud number trade" the shareholder is sued


[news] July 6th reporting network in Beijing (Modern Express) to spend 5000 yuan to buy the company 50 thousand yuan original shares, two shares will be able to pull the principal, Ningxia says the number of Trade Trade Co., Ltd. Nanjing branch is relying on this way, the development of more than 30 members. July 5th, the prosecution of suspected organizations, pyramid schemes lead to prosecution, Zheng, Nanjing, Liuhe court hearing.
"Cloud number trade" is a larger domestic MLM organization, in 2013, the Ministry of Public Security announced 10 typical MLM cases, including "cloud number" trade". Song Miqiu and other 3 key leaders in the organization China because the pyramid was wanted, fled to Malaysia to continue offline MLM, as many as 180 thousand people, was arrested by the police and then fled Thailand in 2015, involving 1 billion 695 million yuan. In September of the same year, the Modern Express has also reported that the Nanjing Drum Tower "cloud number trade" e-commerce company was smashed in one fell swoop, involving about 10000000 yuan.
Around 2015, Zheng, who lives in the Liuhe District of Nanjing, heard about a "cloud number trading company" from a friend. The other party told her that the company in Ningxia, Yinchuan, as long as the payment can become a member of the money quickly. As soon as money was made, Zheng set up the Nanjing branch of Ningxia cloud number Trading Co., Ltd., and opened the "cloud number trade supermarket". With the supermarket shopping, a member price way to attract the public to pay to become a member. Her real purpose is to develop membership and get membership fees. She spent 5000 yuan to buy 50 thousand of the original shares, then pulled two people will be able to recover the principal entrance, new members continue to develop offline, she got the part from interest, then the rest of the membership fee and handed it to her on the line. Until the public security organs arrested, she has developed more than 30 members, the level of about 5 layers.
Modern Express reporter on the scene saw the trial, when Zheng in the final statement of the tears, her remorse for his actions unceasingly, "I did not understand the law, just want to make money, now made harm social things, I'm sorry close family friends, I just for a little interests, abandon their faith in me."
The case was not pronounced in court.