2016-06-01 15:44


Perfect company's first donated more than 270 yuan to start the Project Hope Project


Students each received 1000 yuan grants
[straight news network reported, Beijing, June 1 (perfect) on May 30, by the China Youth Development Foundation (host precision poverty -- Hope Project Grant Program in the national poverty alleviation start Guangshan County, Henan Province, focus on the development of the county. Perfect (China) Co., Ltd. first donation of more than 270 million yuan, Guangshan County 2746 filing riser for poor families, middle and primary school children were full coverage of funding.
To thoroughly implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping, poverty alleviation and development strategic thought and the central poverty alleviation and development work of the spirit of the meeting, the China Youth Development Foundation will be in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, launched the precise poverty -- hope project grant program, aimed at through the mobilization of social forces, accurate to donate, every child receives a proper education to poor areas, to achieve all-round development, become socially useful talents.
Students on behalf of the leaders and guests wearing red scarf
This 2746 shouzhusheng is by the China Youth Development Foundation, Henan Provincial Communist Youth League and Guangshan County relevant departments in the county's kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school in reading is determined on the basis of students from poor families investigations, to achieve the precise, fine, full coverage. Perfect company first time to give a positive response, the first through the perfect harmony of public funds more than 270 yuan, for each student to provide 1000 yuan a year.
China Youth Development Foundation, party secretary Wang Jian, Deputy Secretary General of the China Youth Development Foundation, Yang Chunlei, and other leaders, guests attended the donation ceremony. Leaders of the perfect company for more than 20 years in the community to contribute to the public to give full recognition and praise. Donation ceremony on the scene, donated by the children with the most pure, the most simple language to express gratitude for the perfect company.
Wang Jian, Party Secretary of the China Youth Development Foundation
Perfect company, general manager of the Beijing Office of Dong Bing representative company. He said that young people are the hope and the future of the country, for the perfect company, gave the children the best gift is education. Education poverty can let the children in poor areas to grasp the knowledge, change the fate of the benefit of the family, is the most effective, the most direct accurate poverty alleviation.
Speech by Dong Bing, general manager of the Beijing Office
At present, perfect company has to hope project donation of more than 1 billion yuan RMB, in all parts of the country donated more than 100 perfect hope school, a round of the many poor children "school dream". Perfect company will continue to work together with China Youth Development Foundation, continued commitment to make every child in the poor mountain area can receive a good education, for precision poverty, to achieve a comprehensive well-off into positive energy.
Since 1994, rooted in China since, perfect company always adhering to the "taken from society, with the society" concept of public welfare, permeate charity and business development as an organic whole, long-term to join the construction of social welfare charity, formation to donated to hope project, promotion mother water cellar, promote blood donation, to participate in charitable million people, support for Chinese education, promote the cause of drug control as the subject of the charity system project, a total of all kinds of donations, donations total more than 5 billion yuan. 3
(original title: the perfect company's first donated more than 270 yuan to start hope project grants program)
Editor: Xiaoqing
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