2016-05-31 15:50


Police informed of the illegal deposits on the e quick loan billion


Direct reporting network in Beijing in May 27th (Beijing daily) net loan regulatory rectification speed, the problem is also constantly exposed platform. Recently, Guangdong Province, Huizhou City Public Security Bureau Huicheng District Bureau informed, "e speed loan platform illegally by Guangdong Huirong Investment Co., Ltd. the funds totaled hundreds of millions of yuan, the company's legal representative Jane and some shareholders in equity investment, issuing way will investors funds accounted for himself.
Currently, e speed loan can still open, but the customer service phone has no answer. According to its website information display, e speed loan on September 2010 formally launched, the registered capital of 92 million 500 thousand yuan, has been operating for five years and 8 months, the total turnover of 7 billion 100 million yuan, a total investment of more than 330 thousand.
On May 20, Huicheng District, Huizhou City Public Security Bureau dealt with the net credit platform, and on suspicion of illegally absorbing public deposits crime Xingju the Kan led by 13 suspects. The same day, e speed loan is also posted on the website, said the regulatory authorities to visit the e speed loan group headquarters routine routine inspection".
In fact, recently, Beijing, a net loan platform "investment" also exposed by the police seized news. According to investors broke the news, the exchange of investment from late March to mention the present difficulties, so far the platform has been involved in the risk of events more than 9 users.
According to the net loan data, as of the end of April, the co exposed 1289 platform, and relates to the number of investment for 24.4 million people, accounted for 3.4% of the number of investment in the country, involving loans to 1.543 billion yuan. The removal of some illegal supervision platform, with the frequent moves, some small platform also accelerated exit. Public data show that this year, 1-4 months, the initiative to suspend business platform 129, accounting for the proportion of the exit platform from 9% to 41%. Lu Jin chairman meter Kwai sang expected in China more than 2000 P2P net loan platform will be reduced to about 200.
Net loan home chief analyst Ma Jun said that with the continuous strengthening of net loan regulatory initiatives, the opportunity is not much small platform. Small platform, if not their own barriers and unique, will face the fate of being merged or eliminated. 3
Editor: Xiao Shen
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