2016-05-26 14:43


Shandong cross regional exposure BabyCare to carry out illegal direct selling business


[straight news network Beijing, May 25 news (Lu Wang) May 24 hearing (reporter Xu Kun) in accordance with the provisions of the "direct management Ordinance", enterprises to engage in direct sales activities must by the Ministry of Commerce approved direct selling business license and in approved areas to carry out direct sales business. And a "BabyCare" direct selling enterprises are suspected of this policy area a breakthrough in Shandong Province, not approved in the region a wide range of business.
Lu Network Finance recently received readers hotline, said a BabyCare direct selling enterprises in Shandong Province to carry out direct selling activities, attract many people to join the direct selling business, and carry out regular professional training, health talks and other activities, but it did not receive in Shandong to carry out direct selling business qualification. To this end, Lu network finance conducted a survey to verify.
News, visit the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of the direct selling industry management information system inquiry found, BabyCare Ltd on July 7, 2010 for the Ministry of Commerce of the direct selling business license, at present regional sales for four provinces (municipalities), respectively, BabyCare Co., Ltd. Beijing sales branch company, BabyCare Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch, BabyCare Co., Ltd. Jiangsu branch company, BabyCare Co., Ltd. Shaanxi Branch. The above 4 branches of a total of 62 service outlets, located in Beijing 16, Tianjin 9, Jiangsu 24, Shaanxi 13. So, BabyCare did not get approval to carry out direct selling business in Shandong area.
In accordance with the provisions of the "direct management Ordinance", direct selling enterprises to engage in direct sales activities must be in intends to engage in direct sales activities of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government is responsible for setting up branches in the administrative area of direct marketing business, in the area of the engaged in direct sales activities should facilitate the establishment and meet the consumers, salespeople understand product prices, returns and enterprises in accordance with the law to provide other services and service outlets. Direct sales staff only in the province, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government has set up service outlets in the region to carry out direct marketing activities. Direct marketing enterprises in the area through the information system can be, without the audit announced the region may not carry out direct sales business.
So, BabyCare Shandong branch business whether access to the relevant departments of audit?? reporters came to Jinan Weier road is located in No. 51 BabyCare Shandong branch company to understand the situation, front desk, a staff told reporters: "the situation and you would like to interview, need our headquarters approval".
Subsequently, the reporter to BabyCare market department to verify, a staff member of the market department said this piece is not she is responsible for, let reporters leave phone, let responsible colleagues reply to a reporter. But as of press time, has not received the relevant reply babycare.
From the BabyCare official website information display, Baoying was founded in January 1999, headquartered in Beijing. Registered capital of $30 million, a total investment of $90 million. BabyCare in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Investment $40 million to build in line with the GMP standard production base, and the establishment of the 28 branches in the country. In 2009, Baoying company received a direct selling license issued by the Ministry of commerce.
However, the official website of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Commerce direct marketing industry management information system is not consistent. Display management system of the Ministry of Commerce, Baoying approval date is July 7, 2010, approved by the direct area into 4 provincial branches.
Reporters learned that inquires, Baoying in unauthorized areas to carry out direct selling business precedent. In 2013, Chengdu Industrial and commercial departments in order to regulate the direct blow MLM specially convened within the jurisdiction of the direct selling enterprises forum, BabyCare and other direct marketing enterprises exist not regulate direct, information report preparation is not perfect and so on shall be given a warning. 3
(original title: BAOYING without approval in Shandong to carry out direct sales? The company did not respond)
Editor: Chen Feng
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