2017-04-01 13:55


Strong sales of wholesale and retail sales of 20% yuan of weak seagull measured upward


[news] April 1st Beijing reporting network (star network) haio (HAIO, 7668, board of trade service group) the latest third quarter net profit exceeded market expectations, analysts think that the MLM (MLM) strong growth was offset by the potential risks of the company wholesale and retail, most analysts above forecasts in response to the good performance performance.
Kenna research and AI BYTH studies have raised the company's future earnings two years to double-digit levels, increase the range between 10.9 to 19.7%.
Kenag pointed out that the company's third quarter net profit year-on-year growth of 64.2%, to 41 million 300 thousand ringgit, mainly due to the rapid expansion of the company's distributors, the number of the effective implementation of brand strategy and feedback incentive system.
In consumer sentiment and exchange rate instability, direct sales will help reduce the risks faced by the wholesale and retail trade. At the same time, in the weeks to join the company as non-executive director of the independent directors of the company, the company has recently entered the fashion and beauty products, in order to catch up with other brands.
In addition to direct sales, the company retail business performance is also improved, AI BYTH research pointed out that the company removed the bad performance of stores, the operating cost is greatly reduced and the Lunar New Year jump, the retail business net profit year-on-year rise up to 42.4%.
Ibis added that the company continued to enhance its business performance, including the introduction of new products and innovative promotional strategies. Recently, the company also launched a skin care brand called Infinence, is currently actively engaged in marketing activities.
As far as its wholesale business is concerned, the company will also be able to implement the sales strategy through the development of more new agents, as well as more promotions.
Develop your own brand
Expand the types of goods
At the same time, retail stores will hire more qualified practitioners, the development of their own brands, expanding the types of goods in order to attract more customers. In addition, the seagull will find a suitable location, the replacement of the company's stores, and to reduce the poor performance of stores.
AI Fen Huang's research believes that the downside risks facing the company, including the number of distributors to reduce the lack of new products to enhance the company's sales and wholesale and retail business continues to weaken.