2017-01-05 16:21


Secret network gold alleged pyramid schemes scam


揭秘 “网络黄金”骗局

[news] January 5th reporting network in Beijing (Shaoxing County newspaper) there may be such a good thing? Can free consumption, and can recover the principal facts, what is this? "The network specializes in selling gold" the company is relying on what to achieve profitability, return to investors?
From the Internet to check the information, the Guangdong Polytron Technologies Inc shangmeng unbounded has operated since 2014, under the name of 12 member development platform, dedicated to selling the so-called digital encryption assets, also is "virtual currency" "gold" integral ES, there's a special door for free membership consumer online shopping mall, as long as the investment commitment of member 10 thousand yuan, you can get 10 thousand gold points plus 10 thousand yuan free coupon. However, the company opened a free exchange of shopping mall, all prices are far higher than the market price of 10 thousand yuan free coupons to the exchange can only buy the equivalent of the actual commodity market price of 2000 yuan, that is to say, 10 thousand yuan has shrunk to 2000 yuan.
For participants, investment 10 thousand yuan can only buy 2000 yuan of goods, is obviously a trading losses, then, is what attracts them to participate in the investment? That is called "network gold" and "virtual currency", Guangdong shangmeng company promised to give 10 thousand unbounded integral ES, there are players in the online account at the same time, also promised the ES score like stocks floating appreciation.
In fact, this "network gold" ES participants initially get is an integral, is a number of participants in the network account, you want to put it into real money, we need to follow a series of regulations within the company, for example, can only extract part and not the appreciation of gold, and even if there are some of the appreciation of the extraction all sorts of restrictions.
Xuzhou City Public Security Bureau Gulou Branch Secretary Chen Lei: every week for the realization of the appreciation of the principal amount of not more than 5%, in so doing, he (in person) if all the principal withdraw it, about 20 times, or 20 weeks, about five months.
"Gold" virtual currency: real variable integral
"Network gold"
Financial management can add value?
In April 2016, under the unified arrangements of the Ministry of public security, Jiangsu and Shandong police joint action, destroyed the "gold network marketing organization, and investigated Guangdong, Beijing and other such unbounded unbounded MLM companies, arrested 49 suspects, they packed" gold network fraud, claiming not only in free online consumption at the same time, can also make a profit, which makes a lot of people fall into the trap.
Ms. Wang in Jiangsu, Xuzhou on the so-called good thing".
At the end of 2015, Ms. Wang's sister recommended a magical investment project to her, listen to the name is very attractive, called "gold network", is also a kind of virtual currency on the Internet, invested 10 thousand yuan of money can get 10 thousand yuan "gold" virtual currency, and this "gold network" can appreciation. Even more incredible is that, in addition to the appreciation of the 10 thousand yuan, participants can get $10 thousand free consumer coupons, shopping malls in the network to buy what.
In the good sisters under the guidance of Ms. Wang invested money in the open by the Guangdong shangmeng unbounded Polytron Technologies Inc's Web site, registered as a member, got 10 thousand "network gold" integral ES, plus 10 thousand yuan coupons, then she is in the same company opened the so-called let the world free shopping mall, shopping the mobile phone coupons for free exchange. 10 thousand becomes 20 thousand, this let Ms. Wang delight, so that she felt obliged to let friends to share, so she took another friend pulled in the United states. Although the United States also exchange a mobile phone, but still can't believe that 10 thousand gold points to buy their own boondoggle, so in accordance with the provisions of the Guangdong company to the gold unbounded integral to sell a part of recovery of about 3000 yuan in cash.
"Gold" or by holding charge entry fees
Do not look barely lost money, but it's actually a very important issue, the company is in accordance with its own rules, to recover the principal must rely on ES integral increases, so the price is determined by what? Who control?
According to the Guangdong shangmeng company claims unbounded they launched the network, the total number of gold is constant, with more and more members to participate in the purchase of gold gold points, integral ES will appreciate due to scarcity, in the company set up ES trading market, about 2% of the increase of ES integral price every day.
ES trading market gains, but also the company said. In fact, Pei is always the final say, he let up 1%, today will not exceed more than 2%. The founder of the Guangdong company shangmeng Pei total is unbounded, but also create a "network of gold" this "virtual currency", he was sought after hundreds of thousands of participants worship his name once, myth is the symbol of the dream of wealth. He, as the company's absolute leadership, directly determines the "network gold" price rise and fall, then, he is relying on what to make a decision?
Xuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Gulou Branch Secretary Chen Lei: they are based on the company's revenue per day to determine the gain of ES, probably not more than 2% per day increase. So, this company makes gold integral ES appreciation approach is to pull more people involved, more members, means that the amount of capital increase, members of the company received pay more money, gold points to appreciate. Gold appreciation is not relying on the normal production and operation of the company, but from the new accession
Xuzhou City Public Security Bureau Gulou Branch Secretary Chen Lei: for example, a star member of the commission ratio is 10%, if the development of a new membership, pay 10 thousand yuan entry fee, so he can from the 10 thousand yuan, multiplied by his graduation is 10%, then it is multiplied by a 70%, by 90%, a fixed formula, he received 630 yuan royalties from this new person, his line can get 315 yuan.
The first half of 10 billion 900 million new MLM confuse the public, money
CCTV news client
Entry fee, pull the head, according to the level of commission, Guangdong shangmeng, unbounded pretext of "network" of gold, in the virtual world of the Internet, its essence still conceal MLM crime. Different from the previous known as MLM crimes, the MLM organization borrowed virtual currency, online shopping platform, electronic payment and other emerging concepts and methods, and set up a free shopping links, heavy packaging, the purpose is to confuse the participants from cheating.
Most of the participants were trapped, in order to return to their colleagues, friends, and even relatives pulled in. According to police statistics, the company since October 2015 launched the network gold, only half a year on the development of members of about 500000 people, involving funds of $10 billion 900 million.
Verified, by Pei led by a marketing organization of money 10 billion 900 million yuan, of which about 8 billion yuan as a reward to early rebate members, 550 million yuan for the purchase on the shopping platform "props" of goods, in addition to 1 billion 500 million yuan by BAE executives share.
Facts show that about 500000 members paid a total of $10 billion 900 million, but only rely on the so-called appreciation and commission to recover about 80% of the cost, but also a number of extremely high prices of props items. But BAE et al are from these members pocket life took 1 billion 500 million yuan. Visible, for the majority of members, it is not normal to get back the principal, and the more people join the greater the loss.
Since last year, the Ministry of public security of the deployment of the national public security organs in the fight against the new network marketing special work, the case investigation crime case 2826, cracked "gold" and "carat coins", "star coins", "the sale of treasure" and a number of major cases. Through these cases, let us see some new features of the current MLM crime, so for ordinary people, facing the new names of squandering fans eyes, in the end how to identify what investment banking, which relates to the pyramid?
The Ministry of Public Security Bureau Economic Crime Investigation Department Director Liu Lujun: the resolution is not a pyramid scheme, look at the three main points: first to see whether or not to pay a fee or "entry fee"; second is not encourage participants to go to the third is the development of offline; high rebate is not by how much pull the head to calculate, but also pay attention to the high rebate is not consistent with the regularity of normal value. At the same time to remind you not to be wary of MLM crime, Gregory temptation, deceived, not involved in MLM, harm to others.