2020-06-19 17:10


Looking for new opportunities of direct selling development from "600 million people with monthly income of 1000 yuan"


[Beijing Direct News Network June 19] (Direct report network)Recently, the topic of "600 million people earn 1000 yuan a month" is very popular. Direct selling enterprises should look for new opportunities for development, and let more urban and rural residents with low income participate in direct selling employment.

National Bureau of Statistics: "600 million people earn 1000 yuan a month" reflects the basic national conditions

Recently, a spokesman for the National Bureau of statistics responded that "600 million people earn 1000 yuan a month", saying that it can be confirmed by the data of the national household income and expenditure and living conditions survey. These data reflect the basic national conditions of our country. China is still the largest developing country in the world, and the income level of a large number of residents in rural areas and central and western regions is still low. At the same time, we should also see that with the sustainable development of China's economy, there will be more and more low-income and lower middle income groups into middle-income groups. The potential of China's domestic market is huge and there is no end to its development.

According to the household income and expenditure survey, the national household sample can be divided into five equal parts: the low-income group, the lower middle income group, the middle income group, the upper middle income group and the high-income group, each accounting for 20% of the total. Among them, the low-income group and the middle lower income group account for 40% of all households. Five equal copies of household income and expenditure survey data are published in China Statistical Yearbook, China statistical summary and other statistical data. For example, on page 171 of China Statistical Yearbook 2019, there is a household income and expenditure questionnaire for 2013-2018, and on page 59 of China statistical summary 2020, there is a household income and expenditure questionnaire for 2014-2019.

According to relevant data in 2019, the population of 40% households in the low-income group and the lower middle income group is 610 million, with an annual per capita income of 11485 yuan and a monthly per capita income of nearly 1000 yuan. Among them, the monthly per capita income of low-income group is less than 1000 yuan, and that of lower middle income group is more than 1000 yuan.

"600 million people earn 1000 yuan a month", which shows that there are great structural contradictions in employment in China

At present, there is a great structural contradiction in employment in China, which is illustrated by the fact that 600 million people have a monthly income of 1000 yuan. Most of the 600 million people are in rural areas, especially in the underdeveloped Midwest. Although our government has increased the efforts of targeted poverty alleviation, due to the long-term formed geographical environment and the thought of "equal dependence" in a few places, coupled with the backwardness of economic technology and economic information, compared with the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, the overall economic development has been relatively slow, and the income of urban and rural residents has been very low. This is a basic national condition of our country.

To solve this problem, we must first solve the employment problem of urban and rural residents in the central and western regions. It is understood that the majority of young people in the central and western regions generally go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other economically developed cities to work, but the older urban and rural residents who stay there have no corresponding cultural skills, so they have to stay at home to operate their own "one mu, three parts of the land", and their incomes are generally relatively low. To develop the local economy and solve the problem of local employment has become a major policy choice of the current government for precise employment, and some places have received good results. For example, some places in the central and western regions make full use of local economic resources, vigorously develop agricultural industrialization, and carry out joint-stock transformation of land, so that farmers' income can be increased rapidly. But these are "bonsai", most of the urban and rural residents have not really tasted the sweetness of this aspect, and they are still in a relatively poor state. Therefore, the employment structural contradiction has become one of the important reasons for the "600 million people's monthly income of 1000 yuan".

Providing a good employment platform for "600 million people with a monthly income of 1000 yuan" is a new opportunity for the development of direct selling enterprises