2017-06-08 16:33


Long nilfisk Xu Zhiwei: social responsibility has become an important temperament of Chinese Enterprises



[direct reporting network Beijing on June 8th news] (direct marketing professional) its development of thirty years, and always will be the practice of social responsibility in the first place, the initiative to undertake the work of helping the poor, in culture, sports, education, disaster relief, public welfare activities and other fields has donated a total of more than 500 million yuan. Long nilfisk doing public service activities in the hearts of the people, and widely praised, in view of this, direct sales professional network for the long nilfisk public action conducted an exclusive interview.
Direct sales professional network: the establishment of the "China Charity Federation - long nilfisk poverty alleviation fund" in the "precision poverty alleviation" for the community has made considerable contributions, I ask the scope of poverty alleviation, which areas?
Lung nilfisk: the poverty alleviation fund involves the areas of famous mountain area in Sichuan province of Ya'an province and Zhao village in Yanchuan County of Shaanxi province.
Direct marketing professional network: in addition to poverty alleviation, lung nilfisk what other forms of public welfare projects?
Long nilfisk start the second session of Soochow University student dream project
Long nilfisk: May 8, 2017 morning, "Soochow University long nilfisk long second student dream project start ceremony" in Grand nilfisk grand. "Soochow University, Longliqi dream program since the start of April 2012, every four years, donated 500 thousand yuan each year for 100 students to help students who are excellent in character and learning, to complete their studies, to realize the dream.
Love - love eye Longliqi fund "by the Jiangsu lung nilfisk biological Polytron Technologies Inc in March 2012 initiated the creation, commissioned by the Suzhou Red Cross for hosting, ideal ophthalmic hospital affiliated to Soochow University, mainly to help poor children amblyopia professional treatment, the fund has helped more than 90 poor children amblyopia visual acuity.
In addition has sponsored the 2017 Changshu UWC cup Kuncheng Lake Regatta, China open Guizhou mountain bike Longli Railway Station, Taihu international road cycling race, the world cup synchronized swimming competition, national trampoline competition, China tennis open, national Beach Volleyball Grand Slam, ten games, women's basketball team in the London Olympic Games China, domestic major international sports events.
Direct sales professional network: Lung nilfisk has been doing public welfare for many years, please talk about these public welfare activities, what is the significance of the enterprise?
Long nilfisk: enterprise development from the community, back to society, and now social responsibility has become an important temperament of Chinese enterprises. Lung nilfisk has always kept in mind the development mission, has never forgotten social responsibility, Xu Dong has been engaged in public welfare for 31 years, in culture, charity, the total feeding society more than 500 million yuan. In 2016, donations for charitable purposes exceeded 30 million yuan. In 2015, 30 million 500 thousand yuan was donated to the people with social difficulties. In 2014, the total amount reached 41 million 500 thousand yuan. In 2013, the total amount reached 42 million 410 thousand yuan.
31 years of persistence, has become a leading domestic China Longliqi industry brand; 31 years of brand play, make its grow as national love enterprises; driving 31 years of innovation, make its become the "Chinese manufacturing" 4 demonstration enterprises. Longliqi will keep in mind the development mission, with "happiness, gratitude, win-win, excellence" as propaganda guidance, attention to the society and charity, actively undertake social responsibility of citizenship in the implementation of economic responsibility, legal responsibility, ethical responsibility and consciously assume the moral responsibility of charity, to serve the society. Charities need the whole society to participate in together. Only more loving enterprises devote themselves to charity, and society and life can be more warm and beautiful. Long nilfisk enthusiasm for charity, and promote the whole social harmony, but also to win a high degree of brand reputation and a wide range of social identity.
Direct sales professional network: in the future, lung nilfisk in public utilities, what are the plans?
Lung nilfisk: as the leading enterprise of national daily chemicals, long nilfisk through the positive building care system and platform for public welfare, the brand will gradually integrate into the minds of consumers. Over the years, its social responsibility and mission, unswervingly implement the enterprise culture of "filial piety", regardless of the product, consumers, employees, or student charity, can see its efforts and hard work. Over the years, in order to better integrate corporate social responsibility with their own brand planning, long nilfisk launched a series of social public action. In the process of developing public welfare action, lung long has been adhering to the support policy and standard of sustainable development:
First, relying on industry to promote employment and help. To teach people to fish is better than to teach people to fish, to help young people with employment ability, to achieve active employment, and gradually self-sufficiency. In 2015, after the German industrial 4 pilot projects settled in the long nilfisk, lung nilfisk actively tried to establish a number of 4 in the country as the standard of intelligent chemical plant. Through local factories, local recruitment, local training methods to increase employment opportunities and promote employment assistance. In April this year, in Ya'an, after the earthquake 3rd anniversary, lung nilfisk through systematic industrial research decided to donate 10 million yuan of cash and 5 million yuan of goods, to help the poor in mountainous areas out of poverty. At the same time, to the revolutionary base area, Shaanxi County, Yanchuan province Zhao village donated 5 million yuan for the local "precision poverty alleviation" project.
Second, we should help the poor and help the poor. By helping to carry out intelligence personnel, to the masses, Professor of practical technology, help the masses to update the concept of production and life, improve production skills and quality of life in essence; to help poor students receive a better education, the creation of Longliqi Dream Fund, has helped hundreds of products of good students. Next, we will join hands with all sectors of the community and start more charitable funds. We are committed and persistent in this cause, and we will continue to do so.
Third, material assistance and spiritual assistance, both hands. The left behind children and the empty nest elderly in the poor population have always existed as a universal social problem. Only by taking care of material and spiritual care, can they really appease the heart of the group. To carry forward the traditional culture, 2014 to 2015, its uninterrupted "advocating filial virtue, filial piety world" and other public events around the country, as the free world 1 million feet into the elderly; deaf school and disaster, the welfare of love; start love around, love Empty Nester "public welfare activities, 000 subsidy, and to call for the young generation of social care, care for the elderly, are helping with the spirit of helping the material with both hands move.
Xu Dong said: "good social charity has a long way to go, and the development of enterprises comes from society and gives back to society. Now, social responsibility has become an important quality of Chinese enterprises.". Long nilfisk will remember the development mission, lung nilfisk public service only starting point, there is no end. On the occasion of 31st anniversary, long nilfisk to "happiness, gratitude, win-win, excellence" as the publicity oriented, pay attention to society, concern charity. Philanthropy requires the participation of the whole society, and only more loving Enterprises