2016-05-19 15:41


Amore Pacific in quality crisis, Hera Mascara recalled


[straight news network reported, Beijing, May 19] (Asia) 17 news, according to the Korea food and drug safety of harmful information disclosure system, amore Pacific currently has an administrative sanction (suspension of sales), 3 product recall four harmful information is disclosed.
Hera is ceaseless and perfect curl anti corona dye Mascara "in cosmetics inspection was found phthalates content exceeded the standard value of 3 times, so is punishable by administrative punishment suspended sales of six months. Two phthalate can be widely used in toys, food packaging materials, cosmetics and floor materials, etc., the use of strict restrictions.
Sales suspended from April 22, 2016 to October 23, 2015, but the product is classified as hazardous information, so until July 22nd, will be published on the official website of the food and drug safety.
In September last year, amore Pacific's other 3 mascara for the same reasons also are active recall. "Lange jet volume mascara" due to Hera Mascara products in the same factory production, amore also take the initiative to recall the the goods.
In addition, the "VERITE toner" and "Lange sleep mask", two products for in network advertisement contains mislead consumers to believe the content of pharmaceuticals, and was sentenced to suspended advertising 3 months of punishment (15 November 2015 February 16 - 2016).
From the number of harmful information disclosure, amore Pacific on top. LG life health, mystery, and natural park, Ian and magic forest, South Korea's leading cosmetics companies is publicly harmful information is 0.
In addition to the product quality problems, amore Pacific recently another into a free to deploy staff, founder of children suspected of tax evasion "moral whirlpool", can be described as worse.
Industry pointed out: "other enterprises may 1 year are not a punishment, but as the industry leader, amore Pacific 1 years administrative sanctions and product recovery the number reached 4 times, visible its effort in detail is obviously insufficient." 3
(original title: amore Pacific depression quality crisis Hera Mascara recalled)
Editor: Xiao Shen
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