2016-05-09 16:20


Perfect company: to build a high quality production workshop


[straight news network Beijing, May 9 news] (perfect) both structure design, construction, equipment purchase, production environment, or raw material selection, production process, process management until become finished products, perfect company without exception, based on "to provide consumers with high quality, safe products" commitment, every detail are strictly in accordance with the requirements of domestic and foreign advanced authentication system and management mode, relative to formulation strict norms.
No rules no Cheng Fangyuan, a clear responsibility system and scientific management throughout the entire production site management process, for the perfect company to build intelligent, efficient and strict requirements of the production system to provide protection.
Regional management responsibility system
Workshop team to implement team management responsibility system, area posted in an eye-catching place regional management responsibilities of Kanban in, including responsibility team in the morning and evening class to be in charge of people and photos, day production line, production product type and so on, let information production is direct and clear.
Through regional management responsibility system, not only clear responsibility, but also improve the sense of responsibility and sense of honor.
Site 6S management
1: through the field arrangement, to achieve the orderly discharge of goods, people, logistics channel flow, orderly scene production order.
2: through on-site rectification, all equipment, goods have a clear positioning and identification; positioning planning neat, compact and reasonable. Classified items fixed-point, quantitative, and articles are placed; internal bulletin board is simple, neat, beautiful and applicable, the on-site office desktop area clean, concise, without other non office supplies, document classification, placed in an orderly manner.
3: through the cleaning, cleaning work to carry out, to achieve clean and bright workplace, all kinds of production equipment used in time to clean up the store, in a timely manner to find and clean up a variety of health dead. By examining the self-examination table of self rating and continuous improvement, maintain to identification of unified planning, the articles are placed in a neat and orderly, the production site in an orderly manner.
4: through the institutionalization of the day-to-day management of the staff consciously abide by the provisions of the company, take the initiative to safeguard the production place order, health, speech and deportment politeness, reflect the excellent employees in a professional demeanor.
5: in addition to the daily work of 6S in an orderly manner, through regular inspection, appraisal, through different departments and teams and groups of cross examination, to achieve the purpose of improving the common learning.
Teams and regions of the rating results, through the 6S table to show, so that the team members have more sense of participation, a stronger sense of responsibility, a better sense of belonging to the company.
Visual Management
Through on-site production Kanban, let the team know the team goal, clear work objectives so that the staff at the scene, increasing the sense of employee involvement.
Field equipment, materials, equipment, environment, production and other information clearly identifiable, all information at a glance.
Different material identification card, you can clearly obtain the status information of the material, to prevent misuse, so that production is more smooth. Similar items, through different color marks of distinction can mistake proofing, anti - stay, decreases the chance for errors, improve product quality and work efficiency.
Uniform color configuration, distinguish the responsibility of the field staff, showing excellent quality and occupation style of staff.
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