2016-08-15 16:24


HALAL LP POM MUI by Tiens annual audit score won the class a certificate


[straight news network Beijing on August 15 hearing, Tiens) recently, Tiens Group halal halal assurance system successfully through the annual examination by the Indonesian food, drug, and cosmetic evaluation Institute (LP POM MUI) and obtain the certificate of grade a score!
Indonesia has about 250 million people, of which about 86% of the population believes in Islam, the world's most populous Muslim country. The Indonesian government regulations and food on the market must be through Indonesia Islamic supreme organization, namely Indonesia fatwa Council (MUI) recognition, made "halal" certificate to ensure that products conform to the requirements of the teachings of Islam.
Indonesian food, drug, and cosmetic evaluation Institute (LP POM MUI) is Indonesian Mui subordinates responsible for halal certification of independent institutions, the audit team engaged in by the food industry, food engineering, chemical, biochemical, and Sharia law experts. The organization awarded HALAL certificate to get recognition in most Islamic countries.
In order to meet the needs of Muslim consumers. Since 2007, Tiens Group successfully applied for and obtained a halal certificate issued by the Indonesian LPPOM Mui need regular examination of the organization.
March 21, 2016 to 25, Tiens Group again accepted the on-site audit of Indonesia LP MUI POM. The audit for the renewal of the audit, is the beginning of the new certification cycle (2 years), the audit has been highly valued by Li Jinyuan chairman. Audit group of experts on the Tiens Group halal supply chain system were carefully checked and meticulous examination, then on the Tiens Group Three bone supplier were carried out rigorous on-site audit.
After the completion of the audit, audit group of experts on the audit expressed satisfaction with the outcome of audit materials submitted Mui belongs FATWA fatwa Council for consideration by, Tiens Group halal assurance system was rated as the highest level of A-class! At the same time to the MUI Tiens Group issued HALAL certification 14 products "".
Halal assurance system A-level score certification and Halal product certification certificate obtained, for Tiens Group's new business model in the overseas market especially the successful promotion of Muslim countries and ground to provide a strong guarantee. Tiens Group has always respected the religious beliefs of the majority of Muslim consumers, attaches great importance to the halal assurance system construction work, hopes to continuously improve and implement halal assurance system requirements, for the whole world 17 million Muslims continue to provide consistent with sharia law requirements of safety and health products.
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