2016-02-19 14:53


North Korea's statues movement


Reported in February 19th, the statue and sculpture of the export of North Korea has become an important means to earn foreign exchange, its annual exports to the statue of the African countries such as the number of tens of millions of foreign exchange. Most of the statue is in the Mansudae Art Center, the center in 1959 founded in Pyongyang and is by far one of the largest and most important art production center. The statue of Kim Il-Sung, made in 1972.
Mansudae Art Center has employees over 4000 people, 50 departments and 13 production group, the production category include from painting, bronze statue to ceramics, wood carving, embroidery, painting, jewelry, painting, etc.. Allegedly now Longevity Hill in the large statue of production of two Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe to do in the future he died when the memorial use. The statue is designed to make the statue of Mozambique, the country's first president, Machel Samora (1933-1986).
The picture is a statue of Kim Jong-il.