2016-08-03 14:53


One thing one discussion: direct marketing enterprise "sick" phenomenon shows what?


['s direct selling industry, look straight Beijing News Network News August 2] (commentator Shen Jie), impetuous, has become the climate, play fund disk, sell the primitive stock, leasing license, vigorously affiliated illegal behavior have actually become a "theme", and that "sick" direct selling enterprises not less, so Guaixiang guards show again what?
Sick straight to the direct selling license as a violation of the shield
Direct marketing as a national franchise industry, up to now there have been 77 enterprises to obtain direct selling license, but not all of the direct selling industry enterprises to enter the cherishes a single good products of mentality to treat direct. On the contrary, such enterprises early in the form of pyramid schemes of "primitive accumulation of capital", to make money almost, and then apply for to enter the direct sales industry. Such "sick" of direct marketing companies generally have several common: first, the exposure of the previous license has a gray record. One of the standards of China's direct selling enterprises, the application of the company in five years without a major violation records. And a few have license of enterprises through unfair of washed cheating the government, obscures the licensed frequently by the media exposure of illegal deeds; after being licensed blatant violations, enterprises have become the media under the lens of the "regulars". We found that the direct selling industry is always part of the enterprise to performance, to take the risk, in order to earn quick money to engage in original stock fund disk, in order to develop offline crazy pull the head, to products have good market and false propaganda, entrap consumers. Such a direct selling company focused media, the negative news can be heard without end three is executives and managers; occupation frequent job hopping. Good direct marketing enterprises will at least be very important to see the integrity of. Now some direct selling enterprises to villa, yachts, aircraft, luxury cars as a reward, resulting in pompous people's psychological, and frequent changes to the bonus system, the boss of duplicity that many excellent executives and managers only have quit means of livelihood.
Some sick straight has become a marketing organization parasite"
Now our MLM in each region raging, even social some MLM like disguised as direct selling enterprises marketing activities, the marketing personnel once severance will choose to get a licence for the direct selling enterprises to violate compasses. As part of the licensing of direct selling companies are very valued performance, for the team to engage in illegal pyramid scheme is also open one eye closed. If things go on like this, tend to give people the illusion, it is illegal to get direct selling license even if also can live in peace. And part of the "sick" under the flag of direct selling enterprises gathered many social MLM molecules join, euphemistically called "senior dealer" and "a system leaders." Such enterprises tend to ignore "direct management Ordinance" and "the prohibition of marketing regulations", to make money as the biggest, wantonly in country to engage in investment, does not restrict the dealer and direct sales personnel behavior, resulting in some had been against the direct sales companies and sales personnel to "attracted to, have joined its conspiracy" event ", once by industry and commerce, public security investigation, they will very reluctantly what it treasures and whitewash. This has become part of the public can not be divided into direct marketing and sales of one of the reasons. If MLM organizations occupy a place in the direct selling enterprises, direct selling license shelter, then direct selling enterprises will become a "parasitic body" of the marketing organization and marketing personnel.
Some enterprises may have been in the licensing of sick"
To enter the direct selling industry in addition to the need for a registered capital of 20 million, 80 million margin, the most difficult to apply for the company is not a major violation of the record five years. As mentioned above, in order to be able to successfully enter the direct sales industry, some of the sick companies have to wash their own white. For example, the establishment of branch companies to apply for licensing matters, or direct investment and merger on behalf of the plant, or direct holding, etc., in order to avoid the constraints of laws and regulations. If you can not get through the above approach direct selling license, it has a direct license and corporate strategic cooperation". Now there are many direct selling enterprises will finally get direct selling license "rent" to some involving transfer of enterprises and marketing groups, and these "no black households" into the "umbrella" of their own, receive huge "protection money". Those not brand enterprises in related business, will undoubtedly "pull the banner, for the tiger" to eventually evolved into the illegal pyramid scheme. 3
Editor: Xiao Shen
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