2016-08-08 16:37


Well known professional manager An Ziyu has left the source of Tianjin


[straight news network Beijing on August 8 news] (in the first direct selling network) recently, in the first direct selling network was informed, well-known professional managers An Ziyu has two months ago left Tianjin cast Source Health Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Tianjin cast source). The first direct network learned that, in March this year, the source of security in Tianjin as the source of the post of executive vice president.
According to informed sources, from the source is cast an purple from man Yu for personal reasons, there is no positioning which company will join.
In the twenty years of career, Ms. Ann purple from man Yu served as senior marketing management for American direct selling enterprises, domestic listed pharmaceutical group direct transformation of enterprises advanced marketing management and large cross domestic funded direct selling enterprises senior management positions. 3
Editor: Chen Feng
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