2016-05-20 16:10


Clock build and: micro business to find a balance point is possible to develop


[straight news network reported, Beijing, May 19] (direct road network) launched in direct marketing network Road No. 19 "direct argues" topic discussion around the theme, "" big sales "under the era of derivative transformation direct marketing prospects how?", director of the Hunan Yandi biological CEO clock built and form their own views. A micro business transformation direct, Jian Zhong and Mr. believes that marketing compared with the derivative has a lot of advantages, so the micro business transformation of direct selling is a good choice, but is not the only way out, and the not the transformation, the transformation will be successful mainly based on a clear understanding of their pros and cons, find a balance, the law of development. Specific points of view are as follows:
The reason lies in the micro business transformation, direct marketing is a new trend of development, and now, direct marketing has entered China 30 years, the model is relatively mature, and there is a strong national policy support. And derivative is a innovative mode, not in the long run development and need to root for the development of, and direct marketing has many advantages and have training system, Internet interaction, product sharing, with a high sense of identification. Therefore, the micro business transformation of direct selling is a good choice, but can not say that is the only way out.
Micro business is a trend of the rise of the tide, but the tide from the ebb tide, the trend will always receded, so the need to master the development trend. Direct selling is falling on the mode of transmission, in the training has a certain routine, on China's policies and regulations, a relatively perfect regulations and derivative is to cross the river by feeling the stones, still lack in many things, model has also been a lot of questions, such as suspected MLM, financial fraud and cheat. Therefore, the transformation of the micro business, is to seek a choice of legal protection.
And for me personally, the Internet is just a tool can rely on and make use of, but not to the Internet as a fundamental, Internet platform is not a panacea, so far, there is no any enterprise is rely on the Internet started, and some enterprises have been in the field of micro business relatively active, is not necessarily the development of good. Tools will continue to update the progress of the times, and constantly be eliminated, and only talent is fundamental, only rely on people, the market team to establish good, the service and products to implement good, is the key to long-term development.
Micro business development prospects or the success of the transition are impossible to predict, anything vitality, its law of development, vitality of different results are not the same, and only a clear their own advantages and disadvantages, to find a balance point, just have development. 3
(original title: Zhong Jian and: micro business to recognize their own advantages and disadvantages, to find a balance point is possible to develop
Editor: Xiao Shen
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